Sleeping BEAUTY

Of course we need at least 8 hours of sleep a night, but a few pointers won't hurt to keep you beautiful while you sleep.  

 Satin pillows work wonders.  Your face won't crease on the pillow, which means less wrinkles.  Also, and this is the MOST important ritual!  Always wash your makeup off of your face before bedtime.  Karen Sinclair Drake, skin care expert and founder of Sophyto Organics says, " For every day you don't remove your makeup before bedtime, you age seven days"...WOW!!!!  Now there's something to sleep on!

Merry Christmas!!!




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About me

Hi my name is Roberta, and I am a beauty, makeup, fashion and fitness fanatic! I enjoy wearing makeup, trying new products and doing product reviews. I've taken a little time off from Fitness competitions, to focus on my family, but I still enjoy giving advice and working with people, and will get back into competing in the near future. So stay tuned. If you have any questions, please ask:)
*I also have a YouTube channel, cyberta888.

Thank you xoxo


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