Bikini season is just around the corner, and I feel the pressure to stop eating these damned miniature easter choclates I thought would be so thoughtful to display on my desk. I received this motivational email from Ujena Swimsuits called 10 steps, by Laura Dayton. I thought this addiction to chocolate had 12 steps??? Anyway, it's really an eye opener and I think I'll try it...besides my thighs aren't getting any thinner just thinking about it! I'll share the first few with you and then update you on the rest through the week... Some are her suggestions and some are mine...Happy fat blasting!
ps. she says its as easy as 1-2-3....
1. Cut out one calorie laden comfort food from your diet: Ice cream, chips, fast food, fries...
2. Replace junk food with healthy alternatives such as veggies, fruit, lean protein...
3. Snack during the day and in between meals with the healthier stuff.
4. Don't fill up your daily calorie intake with sodas or sugary drinks...Instead opt for water...
The colder the better, that way your body has to constantly use energy and burn calories to keep a steady body temperature.
5. FIVE is the number of times you should be physically active, and no I don't mean the calories you burn walking from the couch to the refrigerator and back! At least 30 minutes of heart pumping love, or treadmill pick. There are many activities we can do to burn calories, just make sure what you do is legal and you're getting your heart rate up.
Ok tune in for tomorrow...The next five breakthrough tips on how to get thin, or you can just take the barbie drug!!! lol Just kidding my fellow Parisian, I'm not encouraging it really! (inside joke)
Cyberta or
Fellow Parisian?
March 19, 2009 at 4:22 PMInteresting
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